The Sczarni

Tales of Varisian treachery and deceit usually come from interactions with the Sczarni, a clan of Varisians dedicated to larceny and confidence games. The Sczarni travel less frequently than their kin, setting up shop in cities in Ustalav and Varisia for months—even years—at a time. So long as their criminal activities go undetected, Sczarni continue to bleed their victims until their pockets are full and neighbors grow suspicious. They then move on to the next town and start over.

The Sczarni possess hearts of stone and morals of butter, but they rarely engage in outright malicious activity. Their concern is gold, not violence, and they generally eschew more violent crimes like rape and murder. Instead, the Sczarni focus on subtler lawbreaking: gambling operations, con artistry, swindles, scams, petty theft, and minor thuggery. They believe this nets them the highest possible profit at low risk. The Sczarni might find themselves driven out of town, beaten, or imprisoned—perhaps even mutilated—for their crimes, but they rarely hang.

Most Sczarni operate in small packs, mimicking a traditional Varisian clan structure. Instead of an elder, though, the most talented thief or most profitable con artist assumes the role of leader. Leaders often grant themselves the title of king or queen, sometimes attached to an honorific. For example, a leader who gained his position through his skill as a pickpocket might go by the name King Swiftfingers.

Notorious Sczarni

Though the Sczarni do their best to operate in secrecy, a few leaders possess a reputation notorious enough to spawn rumors. The following individuals lead Sczarni families in illicit activities all over Varisia and Ustalav.

Doru Vasilica: Doru, also called King Longshadow, moves like a whirlwind across Varisia. Displaying mobility uncommon to the Sczarni, Doru’s family strikes, moves on, and strikes again with dizzying speed.

Jaster Frallino: This thug operates out of Magnimar, where he leads a family of Sczarni known as the Gallowed.

Jubrayl Vhiski: No definite tie connects this thug and layabout to the Sczarni, but the local authorities in Sandpoint strongly suspect Jubrayl leads a family of two dozen.

Rosannah Haralam: Also known as Queen Goldsmith, Rosannah’s family engages in counterfeiting, an unusual occupation for Sczarni but one for which they possess great talent. They are based throughout Ustalav.

Zilly Fortuna: Rumor holds that this ancient crone possesses true divinatory magic, which accounts for her family’s knack for being in the right place at the right time. Whenever opportunity knocks, Zilly’s gang answers.

Traditional fortunetellers refuse to associate with the Sczarni, but many crime families contain at least one woman who attempts to fill the role. These amateur oracles guide decisions through traditional fortunetelling methods, such as bones and cards. They lack the talent of true wise women, however, and Sczarni leaders rarely give these prophecies full weight.

Most Sczarni consider themselves proud Varisians. They believe they honor their culture by living off of the foolishness of outsiders, many of whom mistrust and persecute Varisians. Traditional Varisians frown on the Sczarni way of life, believing their actions exacerbate tensions with the people of Ustalav, but they also accept Sczarni as family. A wandering Varisian clan might hate the Sczarni, but they still come to their kin’s aid in times of need.