Svetlana Icebringer Amarth

A castaway child born of an unholy and rapacious union between the living and the dead. Sif Amarth, her mother, herself a wayward young girl alone in the wilds of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, encounters the wiles and charms of the Moroi Vampyre of Ustalav, Khagan Ménmarót, a Margrave of the luxurious and gold-bedecked people of the Agathyrsi Clan of Varisia, from centuries long forgotten, now a wanderer of the Crown of the World in search of what, only he can say. 

Her will and soul subverted, Sif conceived and bore a single dark daughter. Half dead at birth, her tiny body filled with dark necromantic energies, her appetites sanguine and abhorrent, Svetlana, a Svetocher Dhampir led a troubled chidlhood. 

Under the care and teachings of her mother, Svetlana learned the value of the natural world, self reliance and tracking. The most important lesson of all, was the will to resist her thirst for living blood.

Born of three bloodlines, The Ulfen blood of the frozen, rocky northern seas, famed for their blonde hair and hard -hearted ferocity; The Snowcaster Elves of The Crown of the World, whose frozen glacial empire of Boreal Auroras and deadly ice, birthed the white haired, white skinned eldritch peoples whose history stretches back uninterrupted by the cataclysm of the Starfall; and the blood of the night, the grave-touched heritage of the Moroi Vampyres, whose pale-gray, beguiling flesh has lured mortals to their doom for untold centuries; Svetlana's strange mix of magic and death unfolded in a most unexpected trait. A few fortunate dhampirs were born during the day under the blessings of watchful gods, and their blood has weaker ties to their undead bloodline than others of their kind. Such dhampirs are unhindered by daylight and bear pale eyes that bear the golden sunlight unbowed. Svetlana survived her troubled childhood in part due to her ability to pass as a true girl among the pale-skinned northerners whose lands she was born into, where a chance birth in the sun-kissed southern lands might have revealed her unnatural birth quickly to suspicious matrons and sharp-eyed hunters of such abominations.

As she grew into woman hood her thirst became stronger, and was cosigned to feast on the blood of wild game, much to her mother’s dismay. In her adolescent recklessness her secret was discovered by a local Ulfen hunting party… and on that day her troubles truly began. 

The hunt was on. Both Svetlana and her mother became a target of relentless pursuit, and there was nowhere in the frozen tundra the two could stay for longer than a fortnight. Her solidary life with her mother had come crashing down around her. Knowing that Sif would no longer know peace in her presence, Svetlana stole away in the middle of the night. She left on a quest of revenge, to take the life of the creature that had spurred her own. In her naivety, she hoped her father’s death would break her own undead curse. She hoped to return home to her mother whole and living.

Fleeing her young mother and disappearing into the wilderness of the Grungir Forest, she passed alive through that fairy haunted wood, her curse buying some unexplained passage through the hands of those dire peoples. Then on through Kopparberget, where she became weak of will and  feasted on the blood of stony dwarves. It was almost a rite of passage paid to uncaring gods to grant her leave of the lands of her ancestors. She passed away from the knowledge of her people and into the rugged, deadly wilderness of the Kodar mountains of Varisia.  Never stopping she made her way east, passing through the shadow of Scarwall in the Hold of Blekzen, and finally into the Shudderwood of fog-shrouded Ustalav.

Here, finding the birthplace of the hated father who abandoned her, unthinking, as a babe, caring nothing for the plight of her life in the hands of mortals.  

Here, her long plan for revenge could finally bear fruit. She learned the arts of assassins and slayers, and the art of delivering an end to the undead. In all of her travels and lessons, the young woman never lost her wonder for the living. Never lost her hope that she could one day walk among her peers as an equal. She never lost sight of her goal, but never let the stricken or down trodden find themselves without a champion.

Upbeat and positive to those who knew her best. And as deadly as they come to all.